MORE TRIPS TBA including summer trips to Juarez, Mexico and Honduras. 


Local and Global

From the beginning, The Simple Church has been about practically meeting needs of people. We desire to make an impact in the Shreveport -Bossier community, in the U.S., and throughout the world. You can help by taking part in the many mission opportunities presented by our church.

Want to know more about DO GOOD opportunities as they come up?

Text dogood to 77222.


We partner with several local organizations to help our community. Through the generosity of our people, we've provided:

  • Clothes, toiletries & meals for the homeless at The Hub and Shreveport/Bossier Rescue Mission.
  • Baby products and baby bottles filled with change for the Ark-La-Tex Crisis Pregnancy Center. 
  • Tutors, school uniforms, and boxes of food at Christmas for students at Bossier Elementary. 
  • Cleaned-up playgrounds at Bossier Elementary and Central Park Elementary.
  • One of the largest groups of blood donors for the LifeShare Blood Center. 
  • Toys for children's wings at local hospitals. 
  • Toiletries for residents at the NWLA Veterans Home. 
  • Bedding and towels for the Buckhalter Recovery Center. 
  • Scholarships for under-privileged kids to attend Rock Solid Sports Camps. 
  • Money for the "Walk A Mile in Her Shoes" benefitting local Forensic Nurse Examiners helping victims of sexual assault. 
  • Provided clothes, coloring books, snacks and more to the Gingerbread House which works with abused children. 


We are committed to making a difference throughout the world. We give our time & money to:

Africa New Life Ministries - Rwanda, Africa

Mission Trip in the summer; money to build orphanage and computer labs; monthly sponsorship of children.

Land of A Thousand Hills Coffee - Rwanda & Haiti

Drink Coffee. Do Good. - we serve this coffee each Sunday at our cafe; we sell packages of coffee in the Do Good Store. Every 130 bags that we sell provides an annual living wage for a coffee farmer's family.

Amigo Fiel - Juarez, Mexico

Mission Trips - Summer to do construction projects / Winter to distribute Operation Christmas Child gifts

Operation Christmas Child - Samaritan's Purse

Each November we collect shoeboxes filled with school supplies, toiletries, and small toys that will be given to needy children across the world.

United States

The Simple Church has sent teams of volunteers to help a group of Native Eskimos in Alaska and Native Americans in Oklahoma. We have collected school supplies for tornado damaged schools in Joplin, MO. We've helped rebuild in Tuscaloosa, Alabama after the tornado and in New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy. We've provided relief items to areas in South Louisiana after Hurricane Laura.